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Are you a couple facing fertility challenges during your family building process?

When your dream of realizing parenthood meets the reality of encountering challenges to conceive, you may be feeling sad, anxious, grief-stricken, disappointed and overwhelmed.

In my practice, I work with couples who:


  • Receive a medical diagnosis of Infertility

  • Are exploring or have begun seeking Assisted Reproductive Treatment

  • Experience failed Medical attempts to conceive

  • Encounter pregnancy loss following infertility

  • Navigate decision making options for family building

  • Are considering use of Donor Eggs, Donor Sperm, Donor Embryo

  • Take action steps to family build via surrogacy or adoption

  • Considering the termination of family building process and child-free living


Couples therapy supports you and your partner in a multitude of ways, and is tailored to meet your unique needs.

Faced with a diagnosis of infertility, you and your partner are likely faced with shock, anxiety, fear, anger, or hopelessness. Together, we work to enhance your ability to cope with the array of these feelings. During this couples counseling process, you will also find support to explore options and make decisions about how to proceed with family building.


For couples entering therapy while undergoing assisted reproductive treatments such as artificial insemination or IVF, it is a helpful way to work through the feelings arising during the treatment phase, and gain useful information regarding your clinic, clinical team and ways in which assisted reproductive technologies will aide in your family building process.


Couples affected by fertility challenges are also supported to improve communication and learn strategies to maintain healthy bonding, intimacy and support of each other during this stressful stage in life.


It is not uncommon for you and your partner to disagree about the ideal course of treatment or for one partner to hesitate to seek medical help when tackling infertility. Together, we navigate these concerns, dialogue collaboratively regarding options, and ensure that each of you feels validated and understood during your family building journey. Furthermore, the psychotherapeutic process could help you and your partner agree on “goal post” markers to ensure that you are in agreement regarding how long fertility treatments should be pursued, and which family building options are within your comfort zone.


Your relationship does not have to suffer if you are struggling with infertility. Reach out today to learn more about starting couples counseling with your partner.


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